Saturday, April 30, 2011

Reinventing: Part 1; First steps and an Intro

I've decided to open up things with a little series.

Over the next few weeks I want to reinvent myself, it's something I go through often. I get antsy, restless and bored and the easiest thing to change is yourself, so that's where I head!

During this series I'm not going to ask why you want to change yourself, that's all yours, but if you want to tell me I'd be glad to know.
(Personally, I'm restless and unhappy with myself and my life. I feel like I need a clean slate to get where I want to be.)
This will not be a perfect little "How to be the perfect hime/sweet/kuro/etc." list.
This is also not a "You must do" list. Take as more... suggestions; maybe even guidelines.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Brand New Me

Well hello,

I guess it's traditional to open a blog with a welcoming post. A mission statement of sorts. So here we go.

I'm starting over. I'm not the happiest with my life, but I know I could be, I can see the potential in myself and I want to tap into that potential. I want to be the magical, happy, creative girl I see sleeping inside me. She's ready to wake up and live and I'm not going to stop her. Lolita will help me with this, it will get me through as I learn and fine tune my style.

So, I will be Lightly Lolita and I will learn and grow and live.