Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dear Lolitas, I miss you.

It's been a bit.

Okay, it's been a while. A long while.

I fell off the posting wagon, tumbled down the hill and got caught up in a town and vanished. I'm sorry.

Things have been... less than stellar. Here, let me fill you in.

Once upon a time there was a little girl you hated herself. She hated everything from the way her hair curled to how her thighs touch and that her second toe was longer than her first. She hated having red-blonde hair, she hated her wide, blue eyes, and she most of all hated who she was.

Nothing made this girl happy. She was convinced nothing ever looked nice on her, not goth, not prep, not punk and certainly not the elegance of lolita.

One day, this little girl grew up into a stubborn and lovely young lady and decided she had enough of hating, she was going to love herself. She would wear lolita and she would be happy. So she made a blog and planned to fill the pages with beauty and encouragement.

But hatred has a way of creeping back in, and that young lady found herself back to being a little girl, disgusted with herself.

She abandoned her blog, she didn't deserve beauty, not when she was so ugly. She didn't deserve lolita, she only deserved to be locked away.


Not a very pleasant story, I know. Sadly, life isn't all fairytales, but that little girl grew back up and wants her loving mentality back. She wants to make her own fairytales.

Full-on petticoat and ruffles lolita may not be for me, it's a lot of maintenance I may not be able to keep up with, but I will maintain this blog and it will still be Lightly Lolita. The entire fashion may not be for me 100%, but it's influence is there, which will still make me, my life and my fashion Lightly Lolita.

So, I ask you, fellow lolita-lovers, stay with me or join me now while I strive to return to a point of fully loving myself. I'm not skinny, I'm not as tall as I'd like, not as delicate, but damn it, I'm me and that beautiful and special. I can't be the perfect lolita, no one can, but I can be the best, most beautiful me.